Author: ScottHarvey

Disclaimers: I am NOT a College Admissions Officer. I am NOT a Guidance Counselor. I am just a dad whose oldest daughter starts college in about 2 months. And, that fact is probably making me a little unbalanced! [caption id="attachment_995" align="aligncenter" width="602"] Photo by Nicola Tolin...

Lucky. What does it mean to be lucky? Would you consider yourself to be lucky? [caption id="attachment_927" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Image courtesy of[/caption] I've been thinking a lot about this concept lately, because I have been a little bit aggravated. You see, I have about 1 year 8...

New Orleans: When you go, and you should, don't go in August unless heat indexes of 110 degrees are your thing. However, when you do go, head to Cajun Seafood and have some crawfish, potatoes, and corn. Then, get to the French Quarter for some coffee...

